Triumf health app is getting attention at conferences


November was a busy month full of travels for Triumf team members. While Kaari was in Singapore with Finnish healthtech delegation, Riin was in Oviedo and Kadri in Munich, all attending conferences and other events. This post gives a brief overview of those (very different) conferences that Riin and Kadri took part in.

The International Congress of Clinical and Health Psychology on Children and Adolescents

In November we attended the 5th International Congress of Clinical and Health Psychology on Children and Adolescents organised by AITANA research group in Ovideo, Spain. We were pleased to introduce our ongoing randomized controlled study as a poster presentation, as well as excited to attend all the presentations held by professionals in the field of clinical child psychology.

The program included conference type of presentations, as well as symposiums (no, not the ancient Greek one), applied sessions and meetings with experts. We were excited to see and hear the thoughts of world-known professors, whose research we have read and cited - such as Dr Maria Kovacs (childhood depression), Dr Anne E. Kazak (improving standards of psychosocial care in pediatrics), Dr Cecilia Essau (emotional problems), and Dr Thomas Ollendick (anxiety disorders, emotion regulation). The major themes discussed included questions about why the most successful treatments are still not 100% effective and what to do about it, what are the shared features of different childhood mental disorders and how to reach the personalised psychotherapy similarly as we are trying to reach personalised medicine.


We were happy to confirm that individualised approach to patients and prevention is the way to go – a focus that has always been present at Triumf. In addition, when travelling from Northern to Southern Europe one kind of hopes for a warm and sunny weather which this time was, unfortunately, just the other way around. So we are looking forward to more congresses and conferences - one of the means to keep us up to date with the latest states and developments in the field - and secretly we are especially looking forward to the locations that could boost the Northern individuals' vitamin D levels.

Ps. you can find the online version of the poster from here.

The Future x Healthcare conference

The Future x Healthcare conference (FXH2019) was held in Munich and we took part in this event mainly because earlier this year we had applied to FXH2019 startup award. We were honored to be selected among 11 finalists from more than 150 start-ups that applied from all around the globe. They were looking for start-ups with innovative ideas and solutions related to the patients’ future in a digitalized healthcare system, according to the motto of FXH 2019 ‘The digital (r)evolution – a new era for patients’. And we were one of those companies! Being one of the finalists meant for us that we were able to pitch to the jury and to the general audience. Moreover, we had a booth that allowed us to introduce our Triumf solution for pediatric patients to many interested stakeholders.

Even though we took part in the conference with the main aim to introduce our innovation, it was so inspiring to listen to the talks by the keynote speakers as Emile also pointed out on our blog. To highlight, we were very honored at the conference when Judith Gerlach, the Bavarian State Minister for Digital Affairs highlighted the importance of digital health solutions in her opening speech and gave a thorough overview of our Triumf solution as an example. She brought out that as a mother, she is glad that such solutions exist to help ill children during their journey of uncertainty. Her kind words brought a lot of attention to us.

Riin Tark

Our former Chief Engagement Officer is a clinical child psychologist by background. She was in charge of stakeholder engagement and involvement, whilst coordinating our research efforts.


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