
Children’s mental health and wellness in focus

Explore the forefront of children's mental health technology with Triumf Health's blog, your premier destination for innovative mental health solutions for young minds. Dive into expert insights and practical tips on enhancing children's wellbeing through our award-winning game, Triumfland Saga. This game is designed not just to entertain but to empower and educate, making it a leading kids' wellbeing app. Our blog covers essential topics such as fostering resilience, promoting emotional balance, and managing stress effectively in children. Stay informed about the latest advancements in mental health games and how Triumfland Saga continues to revolutionize approaches to children's mental health. Join our community and be part of the transformative journey towards a brighter, healthier future for our children.

Marketing Team Marketing Team

Nurturing Mental Health Awareness in Kenyan Children Through Gaming

Reflecting on childhoods in Kenya, our team recall how mental health was often ignored or misunderstood. Today, while urban areas see better support, disparities persist. Triumfland Saga aims to bridge this gap, offering culturally relevant mental health education through mobile technology. This game aligns with Kenya's educational reforms, fostering emotional resilience and providing crucial support for children across diverse backgrounds.

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Marketing Team Marketing Team

Triumf Health отримав фінансування від Естонського центру міжнародного розвитку (ESTDEV) на новий проєкт з підтримки психічного здоров'я дітей в Україні

Triumf Health отримав фінансування від Естонського центру міжнародного розвитку (ESTDEV) на новий проєкт з підтримки психічного здоров'я дітей в Україні.

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Industry News Dr. Kadri Haljas Industry News Dr. Kadri Haljas

Effective strategies for addressing student mental health in school

In today's educational landscape, the mental health of students is a paramount concern that requires proactive and comprehensive strategies. Schools are uniquely positioned to foster not only academic success but also the psychological well-being of their students. Here are some effective strategies that educators can implement to support mental health in schools

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Industry News Leandro Gil Industry News Leandro Gil

Triumf Health: Bridging healthtech and edtech through Triumfland Saga

In the evolving landscape of digital health and education technology, Triumf Health stands out as a pioneering force with its flagship product, Triumfland Saga. This innovative mobile game is a testament to the seamless integration of healthtech and edtech, designed to empower children's mental wellness and foster healthy habits. But what exactly makes Triumfland Saga a unique blend of both sectors?

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Product Update Leandro Gil Product Update Leandro Gil

Triumfland Saga: a game-changer in mental health management for children

Triumf Health, initially focused on aiding children with chronic illnesses, broadened its mission in response to the COVID-19 pandemic to support all children's mental health. The company's innovative game, Triumfland Saga, designed to teach coping mechanisms and resilience, has been recognized as the best technology in the health and wellbeing category by the World Summit Award.

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