Making a difference in the digital world
We at Triumf Health are committed to supporting children’s health and wellbeing. Setting out to reduce the risk of developing lifestyle-associated diseases and mental health conditions among children holds a great promise for the whole society. That said, our mission has the potential of having a huge positive impact on society and for that reason, our team was involved as one of the stakeholders in the OECD in-depth report on social entrepreneurship in Estonia. You can read the whole report titled Boosting social entrepreneurship and social enterprises development in Estonia in-depth policy review for further information. We also encourage you to have a look at the webinar below on digital tools in supporting mental health that draws more attention to the social innovation in health and wellbeing (the webinar is in Estonian).
We are on our path because in addition to the ongoing COVID pandemic, there is a global pediatric health crisis. This crisis include the challenges related to children being overweight and lifestyle-associated diseases arising from this. But we are also in a challenging situation regarding the growing number of children with chronic illnesses in general, including mental health problems that affect the quality of life. That said, the growing needs of children with health issues need to be addressed. Social innovations have the potential of being in the forefront of tackling the global challenges, including the challenge related to children’s health. However, there are many challenges related to social innovations.
The main challenges related to social entrepreneurship
Lack of awareness, recognition and visibility
Lack of business development support (including access to finance and market)
Lack of support measures available (including how to manage, measure and report impact)
The current situation in Estonia
There are some strengths in Estonia that could stimulate the development of solutions with social impact. As such, there are many opportunities for public sector innovation. And we have a very vibrant startup ecosystem and growing CSR (corporate social responsibility) culture.
However, there are also weaknesses with the main one being the lack of understanding what is a social innovation/social entrepreneurship even is. Also, related to that, we have limited policies, funds, institutions and networks to support social innovation and social entrepreneurship.
Estonian Minister of Population Riina Solman discussed the importance of boosting social entrepreneurship in Estonia.
Being a “changemaker” is important to Estonians as a nation.