Top 5 home activities for strengthening your child's mental health

It’s not easy to be a child these days and parenting can certainly get difficult! Our high-pressure environment among other issues has contributed to the increase in mental health problems among children. That’s why mental health management for school-aged children has become a big concern for parents and educators alike. It's crucial to provide children with tools and activities that not only address their mental health needs but also enhance their emotional resilience.

This blog post explores five effective activities that parents can engage in with their children to foster a healthy mental and emotional state, ensuring they have the skills to face various life challenges.

  1. Interactive mental health education with Triumfland Saga

Triumfland Saga is an innovative game that combines fun with educational content aimed at improving mental health. It helps children learn about emotional regulation, resilience, and social skills in an engaging way. This game is particularly effective because it tailors its scenarios to individual learning styles and needs, making it a personal journey of growth for each child.

Get the full experience of Triumfland for your children by subscribing to Triumfland Saga - a mobile game that helps children improve their mental health through personalized gameplay. You’ll receive a 3-day free trial with a monthly subscription and a 7-day free trial with an annual subscription. Triumfland Saga is for all children between the ages of 7-12.

2. Outdoor physical activities

Physical activity is vital for mental health. Activities like hiking, cycling or team sports not only improve physical health but also help in reducing anxiety, depression and stress. These activities also offer great opportunities for bonding, allowing parents and children to spend quality time together while enjoying the benefits of fresh air and exercise.

3. Mindfulness and relaxation techniques

Teaching children mindfulness and relaxation techniques such as yoga, meditation or deep-breathing exercises can be incredibly beneficial. These practices help children manage stress and anxiety, enhance their concentration, and promote a calm and composed mindset.

4. Creative arts

Engaging in the arts can be a therapeutic experience for children. Activities like drawing, painting, or playing music allow them to express themselves creatively, which can boost their mood and self-esteem. It's also a fun way for families to connect and communicate through creative expression.

5. Routine mental health check-ins

Regular conversations about emotions and daily experiences can make a big difference in a child’s mental health. These check-ins encourage children to express their feelings and thoughts, which helps parents identify any concerns early on and provide the necessary support.

By incorporating these activities into regular routines, parents can play a proactive role in managing and improving their children's mental health. Each activity not only aids in developing various skills but also strengthens the bond between parent and child, creating a supportive and understanding family environment.

Remember, the goal is to equip children with the resilience and emotional intelligence they need to thrive in all aspects of life. Let's commit to being active participants in our children's mental well-being, setting them up for a healthy, happy, and successful future.

Dr. Kadri Haljas

Dr. Kadri Haljas is the founder and CEO of Triumf Health since 2016. She is experienced in mobile health solutions for children and games for health. Dr. Haljas has a background in health psychology, she holds a PhD degree from the University of Helsinki, Faculty of Medicine. Her clinical work experience is in developmental psychology.


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