Triumf is TOP 20 startup in Europe


We're so proud that Triumf Health got invited to Madrid by the Startup Lighthouse team to receive TOP20 start-up award based on our participation in the program. It's amazing to get such recognition in the MedTech category alongside other amazing startups from Industrial IoT, Future Mobility and Traveltech industry. Congrats to MedTech startups SepTec, Innate Repair, Nocturne, OaCP and Radmol AI Systems for this achievement!


Startup Lighthouse is a two-year Startup Europe program set up to ‘light the way’ for startups and connect ecosystems in Europe and beyond by connecting key ecosystem players, investors, mentors and startups. Although this year marks the end of the project, it’s the community that definitely continues to live on and support each other along the way.

What has being part of the program meant for us? Since the start of our Lighthouse journey, we have met with so many key ecosystem players across Europe and beyond that otherwise we probably wouldn't have known to reach out to, such as innovation centres, academies, VCs, corporates, consultancies, etc. Understanding the landscape of different markets is really valuable for a startup that is looking to scale its product. We've also received professional advice on business development, delivering impactful pitches, connecting with investors, creating an effective and enjoyable team culture, preparing for scaling up and more. And most importantly, we've made friends with so many great startups and created an amazing community.

In Madrid, all of us met on Google campus to attend the Scaling Masterclass organized by the partners of Startup Lighthouse and Softlanding. The day was full of activities, workshops and talks discussing the challenges and lessons on how to scale successfully. And of course, a lot of networking. It was so great to see all the MedTech startups from Dublin, where it all started for us, and also meet new people from other Deep Dive Weeks. Triumf took away only positive emotions from that day.


It’s been such a great year for us with Startup Lighthouse in Dublin, Berlin, Israel and now in Madrid. Thanks to DCU Ryan Academy, FastTrack, etventure startup hub, Startup Division, Vilabs and F6S for including us! We cannot wait to contribute back to the community and take part in the upcoming Startup Europe initiatives.

Kaari Kink

Our former Chief Health Officer Kaari Kink has a background in health science. She is in charge of our communication efforts.


Oh... not another health guru


Triumf health app for overweight kids