Triumfland Saga game features: character customization

We all look different from each other - our skin might be darker or lighter, the color of our eyes can be brown or blue, and our hair can be long or short, and this is what makes the world so vibrant and interesting. Also, every single person has a different way of expressing themselves through clothes. 

In Triumfland Saga, we embrace self-expression, acceptance, and tolerance by making our character customizable. Children can change the appearance of their character and make it look similar to them or totally different. The more children play and the more daily missions they complete, the more stars they gain. With stars kids can unlock new cool accessories for their character, like a helmet, to make their character look even more amazing. 

This way children feel empowered to look however they want and learn to accept differences in others. Triumfland Saga allows children to be unique!

Learn more about how customizable everything is in Triumfland by subscribing to Triumfland Saga - a mobile game that helps children improve their mental health through personalized gameplay. You’ll receive a 3-day free trial with a monthly subscription and a 7-day free trial with an annual subscription. Triumfland Saga is for all children between the ages of 7-12.

Leandro Gil

Experienced Lead Software Engineer (10+ years of experience in game development; 5+ years of experience in enterprise development) in charge of designing and developing the game and the features required by the team psychological experts in a fun and engaging way.


Triumfland Saga update: Information on wellbeing


Our CEO - Dr. Kadri Haljas, will give a talk at the European Forum of Young Leaders