Triumfland Saga features: forming healthy screentime habits

Quite often when we talk about our Triumfland Saga game to adults the question of screen time comes up. Parents are worried that the game is yet another thing that will make their children dependent on mobile devices. As if there are not enough of those already…

Worry no more! Three clinical psychologists from our team have been working on the Triumfland Saga game creation and made sure to tackle this question. Children can only play for 45 minutes a day between 8AM and 9PM so that it doesn’t negatively affect their sleep.

This way playing the Triumfland Saga is safe and it can become a fun daily habit that helps children develop healthy daily routines, understand themselves better and feel secure.

Why is the play time limited?

Healthy screen time habits are essential for balancing digital and real-world activities, especially for children. Restricting game time can significantly contribute to these healthy habits by limiting excessive exposure and encouraging children to engage in a variety of activities.

For instance, setting clear limits on the duration and timing of game play helps children prioritize their time effectively, ensuring that gaming does not interfere with essential activities like homework, physical exercise and sleep. This approach not only prevents potential negative impacts on physical and mental health, such as eyestrain and disrupted sleep patterns, but also promotes a more active lifestyle and better social interactions.

Moreover, by establishing boundaries around screen time, children can develop self-regulation skills and a healthier relationship with technology, which are crucial in today’s digital age.

Learn more how to form healthy screentime habits while playing a mental health management game by subscribing to Triumfland Saga - a mobile game that helps children improve their mental health through personalized gameplay. You’ll receive a 3-day free trial with a monthly subscription and a 7-day free trial with an annual subscription. Triumfland Saga is for all children between the ages of 7-12.


Triumfland Saga game features: Forming habits


Triumfland Saga game features: Personalisation