Triumfland Saga game features: Companion

Everyone appreciates having a close friend in their life with whom they can share happy moments and who will listen during difficult times. None of us should go through struggles alone.

This is why in our Triumfland Saga game we have a virtual companion that supports the player in everything they do in the land of Triumfland. The child can choose what the companion will look like - it can be different types of dogs and cats! (more cute animals will be added in the future)

In the game, the companion never leaves the player alone. It helps them complete daily missions and teaches them tips and tricks on how to better cope in real life. Players can always talk to their virtual companion through the speech button on the screen.

The companion will ask the player daily questions based on how they are feeling so that it can support them in all possible ways.

It enerally gives three types of responses:

  • When the player feels good, the companion will empower and encourage them.

  • If the player is feeling a little bad, the companion will help them better understand themselves.

  • If the player is struggling, the companion will teach them techniques to calm down, such as different breathing exercises or relaxation techniques.

Sometimes, when the companion is not able to help enough, it will encourage the player to talk to a trusted adult about their worries or tell them where to go to get more help.

The virtual companion plays an important role in the player’s experience as they play the Triumfland Saga game.

What role do your friends play in your life?

Triumfland Saga - a mobile game that helps children improve their mental health through personalized gameplay. You’ll receive a 3-day free trial with a monthly subscription and a 7-day free trial with an annual subscription. Triumfland Saga is for all children between the ages of 7-12.

Leandro Gil

Experienced Lead Software Engineer (10+ years of experience in game development; 5+ years of experience in enterprise development) in charge of designing and developing the game and the features required by the team psychological experts in a fun and engaging way.


The CEO of Triumf Health goes to Poland, Katowice for the European Economic Forum


Triumfland Saga game update: Knowledge section